Monday 30 April 2012

Hatamoto Build Breakdown

This “Hatammoto” or Imperial Bodyguard was created from the two plastic kits from Games Workshop; the Space Marine Captain and the Command Squad. Both sets came fully packed with scores of spare bits and pieces that can be used to fancy up not only a single Command unit but also can be distributed amongst the rest of your models to add variety.
Not being technically a player of Warhammer 40K, I purchased these kits with a unique and yet strongly characteristic Space Marine Commander and his tight knit defense unit. The term use of the word “Hatamoto” made this particular unit marginally different from other command groups. The skeletal narrative that I invented for this particular Chapter or as I am referring to it, Regiment of Marines is that they are a combat tested unit which has been raised on and for fighting in jungle environs which justifies the drab green and simple disruptive camouflage used on their body armour.
The various characters or roles identified in this build were the simply equipped Veteran Marine with plasma rifle, the honours adorned veteran with close combat gear, a Regimental Sargent Major with hand crafted bolt gun, the gold encased Regimental Champion and the centerpiece of the squad, the Regimental Commanding Officer. I went about building and painting these miniatures with their individual roles in mind; for example the two models with camo on their armour were completed first as a sort of test run for the rest of the unit. The two warriors with hand weapons were then completed with special care taken to make them unique in their own ways. The final model for the unit to be built was the RCO who was a culmination of all of the various techniques employed on his brothers in order to tie the squad together.
This unit was a great pleasure to build and finish as the kits provided so much variety and opportunity to the end result. Hical, James

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